All traditional quilts are made up of blocks.
When aver starting a quilt you will always need to cut the fabric down to small pieces that you will sew back together again.
Whether you hand piece or machine piece, the fabric needs to be cut into different shapes: squares, triangles, rectangles.
To do so you will need to work with a template, you can either draw it directly on your fabric, you can draw it on paper and cut it out and then draw it on your fabric or you can use acrylic templates that can be directly used on the fabric to cut with a rotary cutter.

Which ever method you choose there will always be a template to work with. Drawing the shapes on the fabric can be risky as the drawing might not be accurate, unless you are just cutting squares, then you can draw lines and cut with scissors or a rotary cutter, drawing the shapes on thick paper can save time, just remember not to forget to add a seam allowance either on the paper as you are drawing the shapes or on the fabric once you have outlined the shape.
Last solution is the acrylic templates, they usually have the quarter inch seam allowance added, then you just need to place them on the fabric and cut, you can always trace around the template if you don't feel confortable holding down the template and rotary cutting along them. The only con of using acrylic templates when making a block is that they have a set size.