Hello Everyone,
Finally got the video for week four out, I didn't a very poor job of managing my new day job schedules with my blogging schedule.
I will definitely organise myself in a much better way as the weeks go by and getting use to my new day job rota.
Anyways here is the last week of this project of making a quilt top from 4 mini quilts made randomly as the days of the week went by.
This document is free and you can start it any date of the month as long as you start it on a Monday!!
Hope you will share with me your drawings and let me see you have come up with, just send me a picture on [email protected] .
I am thinking of making this quilt top, it would be fun to bring it to life.
You know what I will start choosing my fabric, if you want to make it, feel free to copy it by watching all four weeks of videos, or just have fun making your own Wonky Quilt Top.
Is all that "wonky" though, when I look at my final result it makes be think of a forest on a hill top:
Trees going in all directions depending of the slope of the hill.
My imagination goes wild as I am looking at this quilt top, and I just love the fact that it was just randomly choosing the shapes and placing the colors not so randomly but sufficiently to make it look good.
Hope you have a good week and looking into hearing from you.